Instructor: Peter Christensen, Esq.
Instructor: Timothy Andersen, MAI
Fee includes Buffet lunch, Chapter Meeting, Election and 3-Hour seminar
Instructor: Kerry Jorgensen, MAI
Instructor: Kevin Hayes, MAI
Instructor: Patricia Staebler, SRA
Instructor: Brian Flynn, MAI, AI-GRS
Instructor: Vincent Dowling, MAI, SRA
Instructor: Craig Steinley, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS
Instructor: Nicholas Pilz, MAI, SRA, AI-RRS
Instructor: Timothy Andersen, MAI
Lunch and learn about one Appraisal Institute, PAREA, What’s Happening in DC; University Relations and other topics facing appraisers today! Followed by a Q & A session.
No CE credit
Instructor: Brian Flynn, MAI, AI-GRS
Instructor: Mark Linne, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS
Instructor: Nicholas Pilz, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS
Instructor: Dana Thornberry, MAI, SRA
Instructors: Kevin Hayes, MAI and Michael Twitty, MAI
Instructor: Jason Ferris, MAI, SRA
Instructor: Vincent Dowling, MAI, SRA